Hareesh to Haddy

Now he got through for social service. When I think about what I will give gift for him, suddenly I got an idea to write some interesting moments in our life, first time I met him in marketing class as a teammate. I really didn’t expect we will be in the same group for many times. we were in the more groups and also in syscom in last two years,he was my competitor in sharing and doing work. He knows everything in hardware, he is touched almost all the computers in the campus. Its really difficult to be like him with such a cool attitude, there is no superlative for his coolness even a serious issue. (Conditions apply for his clean bed &"long life jeans").We never forgets the instance of “BETA” in the CBM class. Even though he is very good fan of “Singa Tamilan Vijaya kant”, he always watch Hollywood movies and think himself as a NRI. His poses for photographs are unique; the above photo is just a sample. But sad thing only he is calling himself as haddy, but others never did that mistake. Finally I like to mention his high brand loyalty, he always like to drink APPY FIZZ even though we warned about the “artificial essence”. He is a brand ambassador for blue levi’s jeans and tantex. In our campus.